
Book Author



February 21, 2012



The Future Is Better Than You Think

What’s it about?

Abundance explains why our current predicament is not as gloomy as we believe it to be and presents a compelling case for ways in which we could have a future marked by abundance and not scarcity. It takes readers on a whistle-stop tour of transformative technologies, their key players and a glimpse of how these technologies could be employed to solve many of the resource problems we face today. Above all, this book reminds readers that it’s an interesting and exciting time to exist.

About the author

Peter H. Diamandis is an American engineer and physician and founder of the XPRIZE, an incentive prize awarded to foster innovation and creative solutions to humanity’s greatest problems. He’s also the co-founder of the Singularity University, which aims to educate people on the potential impact of cutting-edge technology from its key location in Silicon Valley.

Steven Kotler is an American author and journalist who has written articles for a wide range of magazines from The New Yorker to Wired. His work is often characterized by the clash between culture and science, and he frequently draws on his knowledge of academic work from neuroscience, psychology and evolutionary theory.

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