
Book Author


September 3, 2019



Greek Publisher


A Hopeful History

What’s it about?

Humankind (2020) is an optimistic study of its namesake. For centuries, the message seemed to be carved in stone: Humans are evil by nature, and only the veneer of civilization keeps us from terrorizing and murdering each other. The author Rutger Bregman aims to dispel that prejudice and reveal that our essential nature is peaceful and friendly. Perhaps humanity – as recent discoveries from disciplines like archeology and criminology suggest – is actually much less selfish than we think.

About the author

Rutger Bregman, born in the Netherlands in 1988, proves that a historian can also be a best-selling author. In his 2017 book Utopias for Realists, Bregman made the case for a universal basic income, open borders, and a 15-hour workweek. He’s also known for ruffling feathers at the World Economic Summit in Davos, in 2019, where he called out billionaires for tax avoidance.


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